Organic Oregano Essential Oil

Health Ranger’s Organic Oregano Essential Oil 0.5oz (15ml)
Because of its unique chemical makeup, oregano can provide your skin with broad-spectrum protection against external threats. Oregano essential oil is easily one of the most potent oils out there. It contains high amounts of the phenolic compounds, carvacrol and thymol, both of which can support the body’s natural ability to combat threats.


Health Ranger’s Organic Oregano Essential Oil 0.5oz (15ml)
Because of its unique chemical makeup, oregano can provide your skin with broad-spectrum protection against external threats. The Ancient Greeks and Romans revered oregano essential oil and used it for its wealth of beauty and health benefits. In fact, “oregano” comes from the Greek words “oros” and “ganos,” which mean mountain and joy; hence, oregano is historically celebrated as a bringer of peace and happiness.

In terms of phytochemical content, oregano essential oil is easily one of the most potent oils out there. It contains high amounts of the phenolic compounds, carvacrol and thymol, both of which can support the body’s natural ability to combat threats.

You can use oregano essential oil for aromatherapy and enjoy its powerful and spicy, camphor-like aroma. You can also apply it on your skin after diluting a few drops with a carrier oil. Oregano essential oil blends well with other skin-friendly essential oils, such as tea tree oil.

The Health Ranger’s Organic Oregano Essential oil is 100% organic and contains no additives, fillers or synthetic chemicals. It is thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.


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